One on One Coaching

For Tech Professionals, Managers, and Executives

This is What I Help With:

Do You Have 1 Big Upcoming Presentation?

And are worried it’s not good enough? 

Do You Want a Deep Dive into Presentation Training? 

And are nervous about doing it alone?

In 1 Session – This is What I Get Done For You:

I Turn All Your Raw Ideas into a Powerful Presentation

– I Advise on What to Include, Remove, and Revise
– I Give You The Exact Roadmap to Make An Impact

Add-On: We Rehearse Together

– I Help You Feel Confident in Your Delivery to Knock it Out of the Park

In 12 Sessions – This is What I Help You Become:

A Confident Presenter

– Design Effective Slides and Data Visualizations

A Confident Speaker

– Use Voice and Body Language to Wow the Audience

A Confident Storyteller

– Use Narrative to Gain Audience Buy-In

A Confident Professional

– Use Clear, Concise, and Convincing Communication to Advance your Career Goals

Select Testimonials:

Prachi W. (Sr. Product Manager)

Christopher is an exceptional speech coach for those seeking to enhance their storytelling and communication skills. Over an 8-week period, he fundamentally transformed my approach to conversations and presentations.

Charlie H. (Senior Data Engineer)

“Prior to meeting Chris, I faced challenges in effectively conveying my ideas during high-stakes presentations, often leaving my audience disengaged due to a lack of clarity and structure.
What Chris Did to Help:
– Provided expert guidance on identifying a throughline for my presentations, ensuring a clear and compelling message
– Emphasized the importance of explicitly calling out this throughline throughout the presentation, which significantly improved audience retention
– Fine-tuned my visuals to keep the audience engaged, making my presentations visually impactful and memorable
– Shared valuable tips on giving the audience a clear journey with an end in sight, helping them understand what to expect and keeping them engaged throughout
Thanks to Chris’s coaching, my communication skills have undergone a remarkable transformation. My presentations are now highly engaging, resulting in increased audience participation. I wholeheartedly recommend him to those seeking to enhance their communication skills.”

Unsure If It’s the Right Fit?

And Book Your Free 30 Minute Consultation Below: