How to Speak Like a Storyteller Using the ABT Framework

How to Speak Like a Storyteller Using the ABT Framework

One of the most sought-after skills in business communication is storytelling. Today, let’s break it down into 3 easy steps.  

First, what not to do:   

“We have a revolutionary pain-relieving product. And progress has been a bit slow. And we need additional funding to accelerate our efforts”

This kind of structure is probably what you frequently hear in the workplace. 

[Fact 1] … And…[Fact 2] …And… [Fact 3] 

Why? Because it’s easy. Unfortunately that is the worst way to convey information.  

Read it back to yourself – listen to how boring and monotonous it feels. To me, it feels like running on a treadmill: yes, you’re moving…but you’re not going anywhere.  

Instead, consider this structure: 

[Fact 1]…But…[Fact 2]…Therefore…[Fact 3] 

“We have a revolutionary pain-relieving product. But progress has been a bit slow due to insufficient staff. Therefore, in order to quickly get to market, we need additional funding to accelerate our efforts”

Listen to how different that feels:

  1. We talk about what’s going on
  2. Then we talk about the complication in our way
  3. Then we talk about how to resolve that complication

We start in one place. We change directions. And finally we end up in a new, different, and exciting place. 

The best part of all? The person listening to you knows exactly what the problem is and what you need from them. 

Video Demonstration


Use the ABT (And-But-Therefore) Framework for storytelling.  Don’t list facts. Take the audience on a journey:

1. And: What’s the Context

2. But: What’s the Issue

3. Therefore: What’s the Action

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