3 Ways: How to Write Effective Slide Titles
3 incremental ways to improve your titles for slides and data visualizations so they immediately inform your audience of a clear takeaway.
3 incremental ways to improve your titles for slides and data visualizations so they immediately inform your audience of a clear takeaway.
3 common misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication and how you can approach these situations with respect and empathy.
3 Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Cross-Cultural Communication Read More »
When you want to speak up during a meeting and demonstrate your leadership, here are 4 techniques to politely interrupt the conversation.
4 Ways to Interrupt Someone Politely in Business Meetings Read More »
We’ve all been stumped during a presentation and had no idea what to say. In this article I cover 3 techniques to recover and showcase your expertise.
What to Say When You Don’t Know the Answer: 3 Techniques Read More »
Disagreeing with your colleague or even your boss can be nerve-wracking. In this article I cover 3 steps to disagree with respect and authority.