Are you a tech professional?

Who hates public speaking?

Let’s change that. Today.

Are you a tech professional?

Who hates public speaking?

Let’s change that. Today.

▶ Click to Hear Me

► Have you wanted to start speaking confidently, but weren’t sure the first step to take? 

► Have you put together presentations and data stories, but don’t feel great about them? 

► Are you overwhelmed with all the advice out there, watching tons of Youtube content, and unsure what to actually do? 

Do You Worry That You Have:

❌ No Storytelling

❌ Monotone Voice

Too Much Jargon

Speaking Anxiety

Unclear Structure

❌ Overstuffed Slides

❌ Rambling Sentences

❌ Static Body Language

❌ No Repeatable Methods

❌ Ineffective Visualizations

I can help you overcome those obstacles and get you faster to your goals 

★ Speaking confidently opens up limitless opportunities

★ Empowers you and earns you respect in the workplace 

★ Gets you your next promotion by demonstrating leadership skills

Here’s How I Can Help:

For Individuals:
For Managers:


16 on-demand lessons to build a foundation in data storytelling
Personalized Feedback in a Supportive Community
2X Monthly Live Events to Practice Skills Together


Personalized programs designed to help you achieve your specific speaking goals
Recording assignments to reinforce new habits
End the program as a confident data storyteller


Half-day, full-day and custom training programs personalized to your team
Design better dashboards and presentations
Deliver data stories to the business with confidence

Do you worry:

► No Storytelling

► Too Much Jargon

► Monotone Voice

► Speaking Anxiety

► Unclear Structure

► Overstuffed Slides

► Rambling Sentences

► Static Body Language

► No Repeatable Methods

► Ineffective Visualizations

With my coaching, you’ll:

Begin to speak confidently and persuasively

Know how to structure killer presentations

Start feeling great about yourself

✘ No more rambling, locking up, blanking out

✘ No more lost opportunities

✘ No more fear


Hi! I’m Chris.

Unlike most coaches, I’m not an actor. I’m not an extrovert. I’m just like you.
I’m a coder, programmer, analyst, techie that much rather prefers crunching numbers than standing on a stage. But there’s one thing that’s always set me apart from my peers. 
My ability to give a damn good presentation. 
Let me tell you the secret. You can learn public speaking just like any other technical skill – with study, practice, and a little guidance.
That’s where I come in. I teach tech professionals how to bring out their hidden speaker.

Select Testimonials

Here’s How I Can Help:

For Individuals:
For Managers:


16 on-demand lessons to build a data storytelling foundation
Personalized Feedback in a Supportive Community
2X Monthly Live Events to Practice Skills Together


Personalized programs designed to help you achieve your specific speaking goals
Recording assignments to reinforce new habits
End the program as a confident data storyteller


Half-day, full-day and custom training programs personalized to your team
Design better dashboards and presentations
Deliver data stories to the business with confidence
Starter Guides Sneak Preview

Let’s Get You Started with Some Freebies + My Newsletter!

✓ FREE 12 Page Guide for a Killer Introduction

✓ FREE 18 Page Guide for a Killer Conclusion

✓ FREE Biweekly Public Speaking Tips for Tech

✓ FREE Mystery Bonus Content*

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I developed this Ultimate Guide with all the tips and tricks I share about data storytelling and presentations

Section 1: Designing the PresentationKnowing your audience – Effective Introductions and Conclusions
Section 2: Driving the Presentation How to Manage Stakeholders – Responding to Questions and Explaining Complex Concepts
Section 3: Delivering the PresentationHow to Tell a Data Story – Presenting Dashboards and Convincing Executives

Download it for Free Here

Next Cohort Begins In:

(And Get 100+ More Pages of Tips as a Welcome Gift)

Step 1: Download Your FREE 140+ Pages

Build Your Articulate Advantage with one of these 3 Options:

(Most Flexible)

~2.5 hours of on-demand video lessons with practical, actionable communication tips
200+ pages of bonus communication guides and one-pagers
16 self-paced exercises to practice what you’ve learned
No access to feedback

No access to community

No access to live events

No access to in-depth private instruction

(Most Popular)

~2.5 hours of on-demand video lessons with practical, actionable communication tips
200+ pages of bonus communication guides and one-pagers
16 self-paced exercises to practice what you’ve learned
Personalized feedback from the instructor on 8 communication recording assignments to build a tangible portfolio of communication expertise
Maximum 15-person cohort learning the same material with you over 8 weeks in a supportive community environment
30 minute live events once a month to answer questions and practice new skills as a group
✴️ $100 credit on a private coaching session with me redeemable within 3 months of the end date, if you complete at least 6 out of the 8 assignments, with the last assignment mandatory

(Most Valuable)

~2.5 hours of on-demand video lessons with practical, actionable communication tips
200+ pages of bonus communication guides and one-pagers
16 self-paced exercises to practice what you’ve learned
Personalized feedback from the instructor on 8 communication recording assignments to build a tangible portfolio of communication expertise
Maximum 15-person cohort learning the same material with you over 8 weeks in a supportive community environment
30 minute live events once a month to answer questions and practice exercises as a group
3 one hour private coaching calls with the instructor to perfect your communication skills and ensure you think, sound, and act like the leader you aspire to be

*Next Academy/Accelerator* Cohort Begins May 9

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This is the place to go from:
Unconfident Speaker ➥ Expert Storyteller

The Course:

16 Lessons, with 2-3 hour time commitment per week for all coursework

The Community:

A safe and supportive place to receive personalized feedback

The Live Events:

2X monthly opportunities to answer questions and practice new skills together

12-Page Introduction GuideDownload

18-Page Conclusion GuideDownload

Step 2: Watch this Bonus, Exclusive 4 Minute Video

Frequently Asked Questions:

For the Archive option, all material is self-paced. For the Academy and Accelerator options, the course lasts 8 weeks and requires a 2-3 hour time commitment each week for lessons+assignments. Finally, the Accelerator option involves 3 hours total of bonus private coaching time.

For the Archive option, you will not receive a certificate. For the Academy and Accelerator options, to get your course certificate you need to complete at least 6 of the 8 assignments, with the eighth assignment (the final presentation) being mandatory. Doing so will also give you $100 credit you can redeem on a private coaching session with me, redeemable within 3 months of the end date.

The Archive option is entirely self-paced. The Academy and Accelerator options are cohort-based, lasting 8 weeks with a strict start and end date.

Yes! You will be given access to all lesson recordings

If you’re interested in receiving feedback on your assignments after the course ends, I will give you a discount on private sessions with me.

Yes! Reach out to me at [email protected] and I would be happy to help send a custom invoice.

I recommend discussing with your manager to see if it can be covered by your company’s Learning & Development budget. Reach out to me at [email protected] and I am happy to facilitate the process.

Many other courses on the market are priced lower (or free) and don’t provide exercises to reinforce your learning, let alone an option that includes interactive instructor guidance. Other courses are $1500 or even as high as $2500 and not as accessible.

My goal is to make this course a steal: a straight-shot way to learn the presentation skills invaluable to your career for professionals all over the world. Imagine what being a confident communicator and speaker would do for your salary.



↓ Watch this Free, Exclusive 4 Minute Video ↓

Step 3: Check out the Full Online Course

If you want 100+ more pages, 16 on-demand videos, 2X monthly live events, and personalized guidance on data storytelling, click below: